Joe Jacques, Director of Life-Support for the Downtown Aquarium in Denver Colorado writes:
“My name is Joe Jacques, and I’m the Life Support Manager for the Downtown Aquarium in Denver. My staff and I are responsible for the maintenance and operations of all the equipment used in keeping our animal collection safe, healthy and easily viewed by visiting guests. That makes it extremely important to utilize the best equipment we can both find and afford for the task at hand. Our exhibits require pumps and motors that can run reliably,efficiently and economically 24/7. I believe we found such a pump in the Genesys 2x3x6. We had two Genesys pumps replace a set of Ingersol-Dresser pumps (B73.1 compliant) almost a year ago. Right out of the box these pumps had several advantageous features. One, it is a close-coupled pump rather than the Ingersoll long-coupled pump (B73.1 compliant). This gives the Genesys a space saving smaller footprint with no need for realignment after a mechanical seal service. With the Ingersoll (B73.1 compliant), I would have to either dial align or laser align the pump/motor after such a service. This was either costly, time consuming or sometimes both. Another advantage is the ease of actually servicing the mechanical seal. It is a very simple task, easily accessed with no tolerances to adjust. Incredible time saver. We’ve been running these pumps 24/7 for almost a year without any problems at all. The efficiencies are equal to or better than the Ingersolls’ (B73.1 compliant). The Genesys pumps also run quieter and cooler. All in all, we are very pleased in the performance of the Genesys 2x3x6 pump and plan to slowly phase out the Ingersoll-Dresser pumps (B73.1 compliant) in favor of the Genesys. It is on the top of my 2011 wish list to purchase at least two more of these pumps early next year.